VIP Strategy Retainer

Executive communications have deep demands all their own. You not only need the domain knowledge, plus the intellectual firepower to clearly understand the big picture strategic issues, but you also need to know how to explain those issues and convey your ideas.

Learning the hard way how to do that can add years to your effort, and when the average tenure of a CEO is just five years, you don’t have time to waste. Worse yet, you risk losing valuable competitive advantage by slowing your message’s adoption. Our consulting engagement will give you access to the strategic and tactical communications expertise you need, when you need it.

We work with the CEOs, CFOs, and CMOs of major banks, insurance companies, and other financial services companies to smooth their communications with key stakeholders in the business: critical customers, investors, analysts, and journalists.

How does it work?

Our agreement entitles you to unlimited 24/7 access to us via phone, email, and IM. We return all messages no later than the next business day, although in practice response time is much quicker (particularly between 9am and 5pm London time, but also nights and weekends).

A lot of our contact will be unscheduled (if you want to quickly run something by us, you call us), but scheduled meetings typically take place over the phone, and are sometimes supplemented with online meeting and/or screen sharing software (e.g. GoToMeeting, Skype, etc).

There are 6 likely areas of involvement:

  • An initial in-depth diagnostic intake meeting to define long-term business goals, existing systems and methods, and organizational challenges.
  • Regular maintenance meetings to discuss and tweak strategy, longer-term issues, and business goals.
  • Speechwriting and delivery training for your keynotes, industry conference speeches, and panel appearances.
  • Professional review of your company’s existing communications tools. Where appropriate, we’ll provide revised slide samples, proof-of-concept examples, and design mockups. Please note that full-scale design work, also known as “production-scale design,” is not included in this agreement.
  • Periodic competitive SWOT analysis based on interactions with your industry and customer base, both in person (e.g. speaking engagements, meet-ups, user groups), and online (e.g. Twitter, RSS feeds, blog posts/comments, mailing lists).
  • Ad hoc responsiveness to needs that you decide require our assistance, which might not be covered elsewhere.

Examples of things clients often use this for: Ongoing coaching of the CEO and CFO for smoother quarterly earnings conference calls; developing more persuasive new business acquisition pitches for the Business Development team; designing a fresher investor presentation.

Participation is extremely limited. You can elect to be added to the waiting list if spots are not available.

Please contact us to sign up or for more information.