Baldwin and Matt talk about one of the mistakes they see fund managers making: Mismatching their product design and their target investors.
Mistakes fund managers make – #5 of 5
Baldwin and Matt talk about one of the mistakes they see fund managers making: Not qualifying their prospects.
Mistakes fund managers make – #4 of 5
Baldwin and Matt talk about one of the mistakes they see fund managers making: Always sending in the highest-ranking person.
Mistakes fund managers make – #3 of 5
Baldwin and Matt talk about one of the mistakes they see fund managers making: Trying to go all the way on the first date.
Mistakes fund managers make – #2 of 5
Baldwin and Matt talk about one of the mistakes they see fund managers making: Rushing their investor.
Mistakes fund managers make – #1 of 5
Baldwin and Matt talk about one of the mistakes they see fund managers making: Not equipping their investors to argue their cases to other people.