Spill your blood onto the floor

There’s a scene I love from the movie Cadillac Records. Beyonce plays Etta James, and she is in the studio recording the famous tune “All I Could Do Is Cry.” The producer tells her it’s not good enough, that she isn’t putting enough emotion into it. Beyonce (Etta James) records it one more time, this time with just a little more feeling than she’s comfortable with. She actually tears up during the song. The producer deems it a good recording, and they use it for the record.

It doesn’t matter what you’re talking about. It doesn’t matter where you are. Maybe you’re delivering a dry quarterly sales report. Let your geek flag fly. Take a little risk. Dig a little deeper than you’re used to. Give your audience just a little more than you feel comfortable giving. They will appreciate your effort, and they will start looking for that passion in themselves, too. You might feel embarrassed and exposed, but your audience will be thinking, “I wish I could do that, too.”

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