If goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will.
I first moved myself across borders at age 22 when I went to China, and have since helped dozens of people and hundreds of millions of dollars of goods cross borders.
I am a Californian who now lives in Turkey. I began my professional life as an import buyer, and since 2006 have been teaching companies how to connect with their investors and clients better. My clients work for companies like HSBC, Citibank, Allianz, and UniCredit.
I am comfortable working with the highest-level execs and board members in any company. As geeky as it may sound, I love to streamline communication across departments and international language boundaries, and am skilled at rewording the explanation of arcane technical subjects for mass consumption. I am an expert speechwriter and delivery trainer.
I studied Chinese history at the University of Chicago, and have traveled to 22 countries and lived on three different continents.
In 2013 I finished a 2,100 kilometer walk across Turkey, which I did primarily because it needed to be done, and not a lot of people do it. The walk took 7-1/2 months. It was profiled on television stations and in magazines, and I wrote a book about it.
My personal website is here.