Communications Basic course
One of the bigger engagements would be nice, sure. We’d all like to be big-time speakers.
But you’ve stumbled on what might be the best deal on this website.
For only $49, you get a full year of lessons and tips that are going to make you a better presenter.
Internally, we call this the “Mindset Change,” because that’s in many ways what it is. A mindset change.
Expose yourself to these weekly messages for a full year, and you’ll undergo what is perhaps the most important, but one of the hardest, evolutions that take place in the presentation world: seeing that the speaker is not the most important person in the room, the audience is the most important person in the room (or more accurately, the most important group of people in the room).
Internalize that one thing, and everything else is just window dressing, various techniques for tactical improvement.
What you’ll get:
The weekly Communications Basic course email, including things like:
- Be more like Sandra Bullock
- The Sullivan Nod
- Size Does Matter
- Boy Meets Girl
- Spill Your Blood Onto The Floor
Communications Basic is US$49 for lifetime membership. Go to payment page.
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